I am extremely interested in Anonymous. They can be ruthless, cruel, and I’m pretty sure they can access any information they want on the internet. At the same time, they are working hard towards keeping our internet free, attacking websites and governments that support bills like SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA. When working together, they are a very dangerous group that some might label as “terrorists”. Their denial of service attacks have brought down websites like HBGary and fbi.gov, and it seems that there is nothing that they won’t do to ensure the survival of their group and the internet, aside from expose their identities.
As the government tries to censor the internet with bills like SOPA, the groups that are similar to Anonymous continue to increase in size and number. People feel very strongly about the internet, and there are very few things that people will defend so loyally. I don’t always agree with what Anonymous does (like harass families of victims), but I do completely agree with them on the issue of internet censorship. The internet should be free, and SOPA is very dangerous. They have come into the spotlight more during the recent SOPA scare, taking action against many websites that support it.
This just shows that a group of ordinary (albeit technologically skilled) people can protect something as large as the internet from a body as large as the government. They have gained the attention of people around the world and are using their knowledge and power to protect the internet, the world’s largest database of information.
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